Belfast Protest August 29th 2021
August 21, 2021
Professor Sucharit Bhakdi MD
September 23, 2021They Killed Granny - Now They're Going to Kill the Kids
Dr Vernon Coleman
Dr Vernon Coleman, international best-selling author and retired GP, is horrified that the UK Government now wants children to have an experimental jab that offers them very little but may injure or even possibly kill them. Children over the age of 16 won’t need parental permission to accept the experimental jab for covid-19. The British Government wants to give it to children over the age of 12. And they are now testing it on pre-school and primary school children. If you’re a human and not a zombie this will fill you with rage. If the squaddies in the 77th Brigade listen properly even they are going to think twice about pressing the thumbs down button.
They Killed Granny – Now They’re Going to Kill the Kids. Dr Vernon Coleman, international best-selling author and retired GP, is horrified that the UK Government now wants children to have an experimental jab that offers them very little but may kill them