Message to Northern Ireland from Chris Sky
October 31, 2021
Get off Your Knees, Stand up for your Rights
November 15, 2021OPEN YOUR EYES
8th November 2021
In the age of social media, it is now totally acceptable to tell little white lies, or big ones, depending on your audience… Exaggerating stories on FaceBook, being untruthful on Tik Tok, bend the truth with Tweets or bullshit on Instagram and nobody bats an eyelid. Barefaced lying politicians on the television, constantly insulting our intelligence and contradicting themselves and science. Misinformation and dishonesty are now so widely accepted, that people have even begun to swallow the media's biggest lies, even if solid contradictory evidence is presented right in front of their eyes, they choose to ignore it. Hardly looking up from their screens to see what's really going on around them. Simply being honest is a rare trait, but being honest with yourself, is the new superpower. In these strange new (world order) times, people won’t really trust politicians, but then they choose to trust the government and its propaganda arm, the media? The lack of open, honest, or critical investigative reporting is frightening. Thankfully our 12 year old kids can't gamble, buy alcohol, smoke cigarettes or play the lottery, but they can consent to be injected with an experimental gene altering drug? Parental consent has been withdrawn? They are currently recommending the Pfizer as the safest option for our 12-17 year olds...
Take a look at Pfizer previous violations? What will it take some parents to wake up? booster shot 13?
Why are the media ignoring the fact that these “vaccines” can only be used because they’ve received “Emergency-Use Authorisation” under the Coronavirus Act. Why isn’t the media telling us that all of these “vaccines” are still on trial until at least March 2023? All of these new drugs are still on trial, we should all have been notified that these “vaccines” are still in their experimental stages and informed of the many potential side effects and high number of adverse reactions. We’re the Guinea pigs! Instead we are being pushed, bullied and coerced into taking part in a medical drug trial experiment without proper informed consent.
Nuremberg code Number 1: informed consent
“The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment”
Why isn’t the media screaming out about the massive amounts of reported adverse reactions?
Deaths, Heart attacks, Myocarditis/Pericarditis, Anaphylaxis, Severe Allergic reactions, Blood clots, Bells Palsy, Shingles, Thrombocytopenia/Low Platelet, Miscarriages, Irregular menstrual bleeding, just to name a few…
Why has our media blocked any information from the growing number of independent medical professionals that have put their careers on the line for speaking out?
Why aren’t the media questioning the government's new policies about mandatory vaccines for the suspected 35% of NHS workers that have chosen to say No.
In March 2020 we were all told to go outside on Thursdays nights and clap for our brave NHS frontline workers that were risking their (unvaccinated)lives, selflessly working through the pandemic, but now the government's behavioural psychologists are trying to convince us that the same staff pose a threat. That they are ignoring the science and putting their patients in danger. Should we sack all the brave staff that refuse? Ask yourself why so many staff have decided not to take it? Why would the Government want to sack Doctors, Nurses, Midwives and care workers in the middle of a deadly pandemic?
The vast majority of our media sing from the same hymn sheet, because they're all owned by the same people that own our corrupt and/or compromised politicians. Northern Ireland political parties have argued and fought for years over their respective constituents rights to have the freedom to choose if they're Irish or British. How can any democratic politician suddenly be okay with Vaccine passports for us to be able to move around in our own cities and towns, dictating if we can visit cinemas, restaurants, pubs etc? New digital national identification cards linked to our medical records and social/credit scores, just to get our freedoms back?
They will be trying to force these vaccine passports in soon, Northern Ireland signed a £275 million deal with Epic back in June 2020. The encompass system from Epic will deliver a regional integrated electronic health and care record solution.
I wonder if it will include a vaccine pass?