January 7, 2023
MP Andrew Bridgens suspension statement
January 13, 2023Dr. Aseem Malhotra BBC interview Friday 13th January 2023
The truth is finally starting to appear in the mainstream media
Dr. Aseem Malhotra states in a BBC interview on statins(3,14 minutes), that the mRNA vaccines are causing at least 1 in 800 serious adverse reactions which are mostly cardiovascular(including death). He also states that all covid-19 vaccinations should be halted until this has been properly researched.
With the amount of undeniable evidence of the harms from these experimental "vaccines" coming to light over the last 25 months, why have they been added to our children's vaccine schedules? There have been more reported covid-19 vaccine injuries in the last 2 years, than have been reported for all combined vaccines over the last 40 years!
Dr. Aseem Malhotra reveals in a BBC interview that the mRNA vaccines are causing at least 1 in 800 serious adverse reactions(including death)